Peguis Real Estate Trust logo 4-09

Peguis FN Real Estate Trust

Investing for Tomorrow's Success

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The Real Estate Trust will identify and invest in real estate and real estate ancillary opportunities that provide stable long term cash flows for the benefit of the community.
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The Real Estate Trust will identify and invest in real estate and real estate ancillary opportunities that provide stable long term cash flows for the benefit of the community.


The goal of the Peguis Real Estate Trust is to create housing and provide development opportunities associated with off-reserve development.


Guiding Principles

We are committed to build a strong sovereign nation by collaborating and communicating to promote community well-being.

We are trustees that will safe guard the trust and put the best interest of the trust first to ensure a long lasting legacy.

We will operate with integrity and transparency and are accountable to the community.


Greg Stevenson

Ryan McCorrister

Bill Spence

Sheena Walker



633 Wellington
the Meadows
Private Utility & Geothermal

Meadows Daycare

Financial Statements